Dennis Rodman North Korea

Dennis Rodman North Korea

Dennis Rodman has been in the news lately not so much because of his trip to North Korea but more so because he’s the first American to meet new leader Kim Jong-un.  What bothers me is the response I’ve watched from almost every news journalist....
Google Glass Project

Google Glass Project

  Here’s something really, really cool – Google Glasses.  I just saw these and I can’t wait to get a pair.  Or at least try out somebody’s (they are expected to hit the market sometime this year at $1,500).  I don’t think I’ll...
How To Create Value

How To Create Value

Something is valuable only to the degree it is scarce.  Original art is scarce because there is only one.  Diamonds are valuable because they are difficult to locate, found in only a few places around the globe, and hard to unearth. Contrast this with what you do, or...
Delivering Value To Customers

Delivering Value To Customers

My friend, and mentor Joe Jones taught me an important lesson about delivering value to customers.  That in the selling process, typically the most concerned person about price is the sales rep. Competitive markets drive prices lower.  When companies fail to train...
Why So Few?

Why So Few?

Something to make you go…hmm!  Have you ever wondered why the world produces so few exceptions to the rule.   What’s wrong with our system that we haven’t had another Einstein, or Edison? We’ve got a world full of good athletes but so few great...