February 5, 2013

Content Marketing Strategy Tip # 8 – Always Take Your Video Camera

Tip number 8 in my content marketing strategy series is to take your video camera everywhere.  Creating video content doesn’t have to be a major production.  If you carry an iPhone or other device that captures video shooting video is easy to do.content marketing strategy video content

Here are a few ideas to put in your content tool belt.

  • If you’re out and about and someone ask you a question – Take out your video camera, record them asking the question and then record yourself answering it.  
  • Search for questions on social media sites.  Find the people in your company that can answer the questions and record it.  
  • Bring your camera to trade shows or industry events and record experts on the fly by conducting on the spot interviews with them.  Or ask 10 people to share their take aways from the event and edit it into a video.  
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February 5, 2013

Content Marketing Strategy Tip # 8 – Always Take Your Video Camera

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