25 Big Ideas for 2025: Unlocking Growth in Mind, Heart, Body, and Soul
As we approach 2025, it’s time to reflect, refocus, and reignite our commitment to personal and professional growth. In my book, Pick Yourself for Success, I outline the concept of the Core 4—mind, heart, body, and soul—as the foundation for a balanced and fulfilling...
The Hollow Echo of “Be Blessed”
It’s curious, isn’t it? How a person can wound you with their words, diminish you with their actions, and then—just as swiftly—wrap it all in a neat little package with, "Be blessed." As if those words could wash away the stain of what came before. But there’s...
Overcoming Challenges On Your Path To Success
Life throws curveballs. It's inevitable. No one can dodge the obstacles, pain, or unexpected turns that life places in front of them. But what differentiates those who succeed from those who stumble is not whether they encounter challenges, but how they respond to...
How to Create a Winning Success Plan
Dreams are the fuel that ignites our passion and drives us forward. They're the vivid images of what we aspire to achieve, the grandest visions of our future selves. But here's the hard truth: dreams alone won't get you where you want to go. To turn those lofty...
The Power of Personal Branding for Career Growth
In today's competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is more important than ever. One of the most effective ways to differentiate yourself and accelerate your career growth is through personal branding. But what exactly is personal branding, and how can it...
Building a Supportive Network for Success: Your Blueprint to Personal and Professional Growth
Introduction In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the importance of a strong support network cannot be overstated. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or simply looking to improve your personal life, having a solid network of...
5 Things Young People Can Do To Be Successful
A young man I've watched grow up recently asked me what I'd advice I have for young folks just getting started. Here goes. 1. In a world that often feels overwhelming and divided, it's essential to remember your humanity. Don't lose sight of the fact that you are a...
The 4-Year Myth: The Difference Between Dreams and Reality
A recent poll revealed that 27% of Britons believe they could qualify for the Olympics if they trained for the next four years. This belief, while intriguing, overlooks a crucial reality: most Olympians begin their training soon after they can walk. The path to the...
The Evidence of Things Still Seen: Hidden Biases Unravelling America
America, once again, finds itself at the precipice of its own contradictions. The nomination of a woman of color to the highest office in the land has laid bare the festering wound of racism that we have long pretended to have healed. Those who cry 'DEI hire' at the...
Don’t Just Come Back – Come Better!
It's a certainty, at some point life is going to knock you down. And, here's the thing it's probably going to hit you when you least expect it. Seemingly out of nowhere...BAM! You're down for the count. But it's not about how many times you get knocked down. And dig...
The Uncomfortable Truth: Why Honesty With Yourself is the Key to Unlocking Your Potential
https://youtu.be/KpUPqYWgIfc Honesty. It's a word we throw around a lot, usually in the context of our interactions with others. But what about being honest with ourselves? This brand of honesty, often referred to as self-awareness, is a crucial yet frequently...
Escape the Trap: 3 Comfort Zone Killers to Unlock Your Greatness
https://youtu.be/T8A5P_uJdlo?si=gMVwT-d0DZvlVQkL Did you ever watch a child gleefully conquer a playground, only to revert to clinging to your leg when faced with a slightly taller slide? That's the comfort zone at work. It feels safe, familiar, but ultimately...
The Kintsugi Effect: How Life’s Cracks Become Our Strengths
https://youtu.be/nfQYjG5nBPs In the Japanese art form of Kintsugi, broken pottery is repaired with precious metals like gold, silver, or platinum. The result? A piece that's even more beautiful and valuable than before it was broken. The cracks, once a source of...
Dumb, Naked, and Speechless
We are all born dumb, naked, and speechless. That's right. No matter who you are, what your last name is, or what kind of car you drive, you entered this world the same way - with zero knowledge, zero threads, and zero vocabulary. We all started as blank slates,...
What Are The Power of Words
Words possess an intrinsic power that extends far beyond mere communication. They have the remarkable ability to shape realities, influence emotions, and leave indelible imprints on individuals and societies. Maya Angelou's timeless wisdom encapsulated this truth...
A Roadmap to achieving Your Dreams: Unleash Your Potential
Unlock the secrets to achieving your dreams with Rodney Goldston. Learn how to set SMART goals, overcome obstacles, and stay motivated on your path to success. Discover the art of dream realization today!
Vision and Obstacles
To truly connect with those you aim to serve, the first step is to paint a vivid picture of what ignites their passions and holds their interests. The second step is to identify the barriers that stand in the way of their dreams. When you empower individuals to...
The Quality Conundrum: Decoding the Mysteries of Meeting Spec, Deluxeness, and Right Effort
Quality. It's a word we toss around at work, often without pausing to consider its multifaceted nature. Let's take a moment to delve into the three distinct dimensions of quality that influence our perceptions and experiences. Firstly, there's the Deming and Crosby...
The Irreversible Passage of Time: Embracing Life’s Impermanence
Time’s irreversible passage urges us to embrace the present, for the past cannot be rewritten. Seize the fleeting moments.
Igniting Lifelong Learning: Embrace the Power of Digital Education in an Ever-Changing World!
In today's ever-evolving digital landscape, education is undergoing a remarkable transformation. The advent of technologies like e-books and distance learning has sparked significant implications, altering the traditional paradigms of teaching and learning. But let's...