Blogging For Sales

Blogging For Sales

In any given day there are hundreds of things to eat up a sales persons time (regardless of your profession we are all sales people).  I learned early in my sales career to keep my focus on revenue generating activity.  Back then there were only three: Prospecting...
How Do Consumers Use Social Media

How Do Consumers Use Social Media

When marketers ask themselves the question how do consumers use social media the number one rule to keep in mind is that consumers use it mostly on mobile devices. Something to make you go…hmm! According to reaseach from a recent Pew study mobile technology is...
How To Grow Your Small Business

How To Grow Your Small Business

I learned this from one of the top mortgage producers in the country. Make it a goal to have just one legitimate conversation per day with someone interested in purchasing your product, or service.  Don’t be concerned with the outcome just the activity –...