The Success Mindset

The Success Mindset

Here are 25 success factors I hope encourage you.  The world won’t always push up roses for you, but if you’ll determine to commit to these mindsets I’ll look forward to seeing you at the top. Note: I’ve put a Tweet button next to each line to...
Michael Jordan and Why You Need To Quit

Michael Jordan and Why You Need To Quit

Recently I watched a documentary on the career of Michael Jordan and something occurred to me.  That is that the idea that winners never quit and quitters never win is a bunch of bull! The truth is that winners quit all the time.  And losers don’t quit often...
How To Get Into An Ivy League College

How To Get Into An Ivy League College

My daughter was recently accepted at the University of Pennsylvania, Upenn, and will be starting there this Fall.  We only have one child, and this was our first go around, since our college days, experiencing the whole college application drama that young students go...
How To Win Monopoly

How To Win Monopoly

Monopoly is my favorite board game.  I like playing it so much that it’s hard to get anyone in my family to play along with me. They know I’ll cheat to win.  But most of the time I lose. There’s a simple secret to winning at Monopoly, though....
Very Successful People

Very Successful People

Most people assume that to become successful you either have to be very smart, very rich, or very connected.  The truth is that very successful people usually don’t start out as any of these.  They simply start out very willing.
How To Get Super Rich Now!

How To Get Super Rich Now!

Enrich your world by doing work that matters. Enrich your thinking by watching TED TV. Enrich your health by being proactive. Enrich your community by not devaluing others. Enrich your relationships by seasoning truth with love. Enrich your organization by being...