How Taxonomies Work

How Taxonomies Work

If you by chance find yourself in a situation where you want to add a new word to the dictionary, you don’t have to think very hard about where to place it. The dictionary serves as a useful tool that reminds us of the principles behind taxonomies. The words in...
The Marketing Taxonomy

The Marketing Taxonomy

If you want to explain a field, if you want to understand it, if you want to change it, you need to begin with the taxonomy of how it’s explained and understood. Here’s a link to how taxonomies work. So if you’re a marketer, a director, entrepreneur,...

Fitting In vs Standing Out

A green toad, on a white wall camouflages itself. That’s because fitting in helps ensure survival. But for people in the modern connected economy fitting may ensure your demise. The challenge is that standing out is tricky. Stand out too much and you become an...

Pump Your Brakes

You wouldn’t get in a car only capable of acceleration. You know the car needs brakes for control, stability, and to stop when necessary. Brakes provide balance. When it comes to your career, business, health, and finances maybe you should consider pumping your...