Sowing Seeds

The seeds you sow will yield fruit.  If you’re not that hungry then sow a few, or none at all.  If you’re starving then start sowing now, and sow a lot (you’ll reap a harvest instead of just a few pieces of fruit).  How hungry are you?

Ask for Permission

If you think you can make a million dollars by sending an email to a list of names in your database do ask for permission first. If you think you can make a ding in the universe then don’t ask for permission, just go do it.  – We’ll thank you...

Art That Changes Lives

Being an artist requires courage.  If your art comes from your mind, then it will touch a mind.  If comes from your heart, then it will touch a heart.  If your art flows and ebbs from your life it will change a life.
MLK Quotes: 4 Of My Favorite

MLK Quotes: 4 Of My Favorite

One thing nearly all African Americans over the age of 40 have in common is that our parents, and grandparents always had three pictures hanging on a wall side by side: Jesus Christ, John F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. In college I would sit for hours and...
Be Kind

Be Kind

Everyone you meet today will either be in the midst of a struggle, recovering from a struggle, or about to go into one – So be kind to everyone whose path you happen to cross.   And don’t forget to take a look in the mirror and greet yourself (you fall...