July 19, 2024

Dumb, Naked, and Speechless

We are all born dumb, naked, and speechless.

That’s right. No matter who you are, what your last name is, or what kind of car you drive, you entered this world the same way – with zero knowledge, zero threads, and zero vocabulary. We all started as blank slates, vulnerable and utterly dependent.

Now, hold onto that thought for a second. Because here’s the thing: Everything that makes you who you are today – your skills, your beliefs, your perception of success – all that is learned. It’s been downloaded, uploaded, and conditioned into you over time.

Let’s unpack this a bit.

The Learning Animal

We are wired to learn. From the moment we’re born, we’re absorbing information like sponges. We gurgle, we grab, we point – all attempts to make sense of this crazy world. This innate curiosity is what fuels our development, our ability to speak, to walk, to navigate social situations.

The Conditioning Maze

But here’s the twist: The way we learn isn’t always random. We are bombarded with messages, from parents, teachers, society at large, about what’s important, what success looks like. These messages shape our perception, and sometimes, they can create limitations.

Breaking Free From the Script

The problem is, when we blindly follow the script, we might miss out on our own unique potential. The things that society tells us are valuable might not be the things that set our souls on fire.

So here’s the call to action, my friends:

  • Recognize the Conditioning: Be aware of the voices that influenced you. What messages did you absorb about success? Are they truly yours, or are they echoes of someone else’s definition?

  • Redefine Success: Success isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. It’s about pursuing what makes you come alive, what fuels your curiosity and creativity.

  • Embrace the Dumb, Naked, Speechless You: We all started from the same place. Remember that inherent potential you possessed as a wide-eyed babe? Reconnect with that curiosity, that openness to possibility.

We are all learning animals. Let’s keep learning, but let’s do it on our own terms. Let’s break free from the conditioning and pursue the kind of success that makes our hearts sing.

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July 19, 2024

Dumb, Naked, and Speechless

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