January 8, 2013

Content Marketing Strategy – Write Annual and “Best-Of” List

Today’s post is tip number 5 in the content marketing strategy series. Consider writing round-ups, reviews, look-backs, and looking forward list at the very end or beginning of each year, and during slow points in the summer.

content marketing strategy

Here are a few ideas:

  • Compile a list of your most popular blog post and put them in an “best-of” ebook. (This is one I’ll do at the end of this year).
  • If you’re blogging to tech enthusiast a list of top or most popular gadgets will go over well.
  • A list of great books in your niche for your followers to read in the upcoming year.
  • A list of great books you read during the current year that’s about to end.  (Here’s what I read in 2012)

These are easy topics to write about and provide great fuel for your content marketing strategy.  Additionally they also have a tendency to appeal to a wide range of folks.  Let me know if you have any suggestions for types of list that can be put together.

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January 8, 2013

Content Marketing Strategy – Write Annual and “Best-Of” List

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