I’m not a big fan of resumes. Mostly because I’m not a big fan of the idea of raising your hand and waiting for someone to pick me. It’s a very industrial revolution type of mindset.
Hey, I’m not saying you have to do what I do but here’s something to chew on:
If everyone else is sending in resumes, and you send in yours how are you hoping to stand out? News Flash – bold font, color, and your picture don’t show that you’re awesome, or exceptional.
When you send a resume it’s just something someone can look at and find a reason to exclude you…not enough white space, to much white space…it’s missing this or that…and she forgot a colon here…she’s out!
And, good looking resumes are to easy to build….everyone can have a good looking resume…so where does that leave you?
Here are a few things you can work on building other than your resume.
- Your reputation
- Being indispensable
- A blog with your unique spin on your industry, or life that’s so awesome I can’t help but follow you
- Important work (what have you, or are you working on that’s making your community or the world a better place)
- Your Tribe
(below is a link to a book explaining what tribes, are and how you can build yours)(Disclaimer: if U click the link and purchase the book I’ll earn a few pennies.)
The job that you really want, that incredible one…it does not get filled because the hiring manager saw a resume first. It gets filled because someone says hey you’ve got to talk with so, and so. She’s absolutely unbelievable!!!!
Something to make you go…hmm!

Me and my Uncle Hue
My uncle was a bricky…Mason. Bricky is what he called himself. When I was young I remember anytime we were driving together he’d be pointing out buildings (the tall towering type) saying I did that wall, or I laid that brick. I’d over hear people talking about the amazing masonary work he did. The thing is my uncle was completely illiterate (common for his generation). He couldn’t have done a resume if his life depended on it. Thing is he never needed one because his reputation preceded him.