July 11, 2022

The Entrepreneur Doesn’t Have A Job

Entrepreneurs offer generous solutions to problems in need of solutions.

Entrepreneurs get better by solving more problems 4 more people.

Entrepreneurs expand by spreading their solution(s) across boarders (local, national, and international).

Entrepreneurs don’t have jobs, bosses, or managers.

Entrepreneurs don’t follow rigid structures, rules, or processes (it doesn’t have to be done this way, or that way, because after all it’s your art.)

Corporate Innovation, Corporate Entrepreneurship, and Intrapreneurship are ways corporations are seeking to industrialize (add structure, rules, and process) to what it means to be a particular type of Entrepreneur.  And that’s ok, just as long as we know that that’s not what was at the heart of being an entrepreneur from the start

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July 11, 2022

The Entrepreneur Doesn’t Have A Job

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