You can sell more of whatever it is you are trying to move if you will quickly abandon any attempt to tell clients any facts, figures, or pricing about what you are selling.
To often sales people do what I call a feature puek. They rattle of all the facts, prices, in’s & out’s, and we do this and we do that about their product or service. They want to give the customer information, but information is exactly what the customer does not need in the information age. All the information they need to make a buying decision is available online for a whopping $0. Besides if they found you trough an Internet search haven’t they already read the information on your website?
Customers don’t need sales people to give them information, (even if they say)…”I’m looking for some information on…”.
How to sell anything … Tell clients want they want to hear
What they are really after is a story that already lines up with their particular worldview. A world view is simply a story that a customer has already told herself and believes. If you can share with consumers a story about your product, that they have already told themselves, that is true, and makes a promise that they believe you can fulfill you have a good shot at making a sale.
How Apple sells iPods and iPhones
Consider the most successful MP3 player in history…the Apple iPod. Apple did not invent the MP3 player, instead they just told a better story to the people who were already inclined to believe it, then those people told their friends.
- World view: I’ve got a huge music collection that I’d like to listen to when and where I want to.
- Story: 10,000 songs in your pocket. For Mac or PC
No facts, no figures, no advertised price, just a story told to a consumer who already shares that world view.