Due to the Corona Virus many people are working from home these days and there’s lot’s of talk about using your time to improve life and business skills.
Here are 32 essential life skills worth building that are often overlooked.
- Coach-ability and the ability to coach others
- Compassion for those in need
- Creativity
- Curiosity about the world around you
- Empathy
- Flexibility
- Focus
- Getting out of your comfort zone (being with being uncomfortable)
- Gratitude for what you have instead of ingratitude for the things you don’t
- Honesty
- Idea Spotting
- Imagination
- Influence
- Intolerance for intolerance
- Leadership
- Love (Jesus said this is the most important skill of all)
- Mind-sight VS Eyesight
- Mindfulness
- Overcoming Fear of Failure
- Perseverance
- Problem solving
- Reinventing Yourself
- Seeing the big picture
- Self-confidence
- Starting a project that matters
- Stress management
- Story Telling
- Teaching
- Team building
- True connection
- Truthfulness
- Zest for life