August 16, 2013

To 25 Brands Mentioned By Marketers on Twitter

Here’s a list of the top 25 main stream brands mentioned by marketers using the Twitter platform.

  1. Mashable
  2. YouTube
  3. Tech Crunch
  4. NY Times
  5. Twitter
  6. Buzz Feed
  7. Fast Company
  8. Forbes
  9. Harvar Biz
  10. Google
  11. WSJ
  12. Klot
  13. Hubspot
  14. Huffington Post
  15. Instagram
  16. Facebook
  17. Inc.
  18. Linkedin
  19. Starbucks
  20. Inc. (not my mistake they listed it twice)
  21. Marketing Profs
  22. American Air
  23. Ad Age
  24. Vine App
  25. Digiday

View the entire marketing report by Lead Tail.

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August 16, 2013

To 25 Brands Mentioned By Marketers on Twitter

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