You will tell yourself a story today. I will be along the lines of these three themes.
Story 1: I or we will never ____________ (you fill in the blank).
Story 2: How can I or we _____________ (you fill in the blank).
Better Yet…..
Story 3: I or we will _________________ (you fill in the blank), by _______ (fill in a definite date).
- Story 1 is the story most people tell themselves…it stinks…avoid this story.
- Story 2 is better because necessity is the mother of invention and if you ask yourself often enough “how can I” it’s likely you’ll eventually find a way.
- Story 3 is better yet because when you purpose to do something (i.e setting a goal), with a definite date (makes it measurable), even if you miss you’re closer to successful completion than you are with stories 1 and 2.
You can choose the story you tell yourself.
Something to make you go…hmm! Lying to yourself always makes an interesting story.