Best Marketing Books for Beginners

Best Marketing Books for Beginners

5 Books To Help Take The Beginner Marketer Form Zero To Superhero There are hundreds—if not thousands—of books on marketing, business development, personal development, and success. It’s likely you’ve heard of many of them, whether you read about them here on this...

The Simple Power of One A Day

The Simple Power of One A Day

There's are approximately 200 working days a year. What would happen if you committed to doing one simple thing each day to build your personal brand? Here are a few tips. You don't have to do them all just one of these one time...

Possibility Blind

Possibility Blind

Everything you will experience today was once impossible.  Tomorrow will birth things that are impossible today. When you refuse to be possibility blind you become a pencil in the hand of God. The day before Karl Benz invented the automobile, cars were impossible. ...

Lean On

Lean On

Everyone has doubters, critics, and naysayers shouting "I knew it wouldn't work" each time they stumble or make a mistake. Successful people ignore doubters, critics, and naysayers and lean on those who believe in them and their goals.

When To Quit

When To Quit

A friend vented a little yesterday on her FB page about what feels like an "UNIMAGINABLE" feat of balancing her work as a teacher with her family life during the pandemic.   Reading through the comments many encouraged her to hang in there because the students need...

I’m Being Myself

I’m Being Myself

You may not like to think it, but sometimes being yourself presents problems, obstacles, and barriers to your forward progress.  What would happen if you replaced "being" with "improving", "reinventing", or "transforming"? When we get stuck on being ourselves we say...

Scarcity Drives Value

Scarcity Drives Value

If you're attempting to sell something to someone you need to find out what's scarce.  Most people think it's money but that's seldom what's really in short supply. Planning a trek to the top of the world? There's not much heat up there and people freeze to death...

Economize Where You Can

Economize Where You Can

Economics is the science of managing scarce resources.  When you come to realize that people who trust you, who want to hear from you, who will collaborate with you, and who will support you are scarce resources you'll economize where you can.  

The Free Frenzy

The Free Frenzy

The free sample carts at Costco often cause a frenzy.  People cut the lines, adults grab the last free ice cream sample before children can get them, and brawls even break out from time to time.  That's because free has a way of debasing us. Free scales at Costco...

Carter G. Woodson Think Different

Carter G. Woodson Think Different

It doesn't take much to recognize a problem, and complain about it.  But it takes real dedication, and a commitment to excellence to solve one. That's why Carter G. Woodson makes my list of individuals who not only Think different but do different. Woodson wasn't the...

What Bends The Moral Arc of The Universe?

What Bends The Moral Arc of The Universe?

Gravitational force bends light, and makes you shorter and wider as you age. Though gravity can do all that it still can’t bend the moral arc of the universe towards justice. So what does? People do. The sum total of trillions of small actions by billions of people...

2021 New Years Resolution

2021 New Years Resolution

Times flying.  We're already 4 days N2 2021. Here's a list of a few common New Years resolutions. Make more money Save more money Lose more weight Get more organized Here are a few uncommon New Years resolutions possibly worth considering. Be more generous Give more...

Believe in YOURSELF

Believe in YOURSELF

As you embark on a new year remember U can't change what others think of you, but U can change what U think of YOURSELF. Stop the negative thinking and choose 2 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF especially when others don't. "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul"...

Take Stock

Take Stock

To take stock (of something) is to think carefully about a situation or event and form an opinion about it, so that you can decide what to do.  New years resolutions seldom last past a solid punch in the nose from reality, but here are just a few things worth taking...

Vision vs Mission

Vision vs Mission

In life, business, and career you need both a clear vision and a clear mission. Vision is where you're going. Mission is why you're going there.

Experiencing Fear and Fear of Experiencing

Experiencing Fear and Fear of Experiencing

For nearly 40 years the memory of Jaws has kept swimmers away from the ocean…that’s shark phobia.  There’s also Arachnophobia, Ophidiophobia, Cynophobia, and a host of other fears that we experience. Then there’s the actual fear of experiencing.  The fear of doing...