October 17, 2012

In A Connection Economy Do Social Media Connections Really Matter?

social mediaThe race is on for marketers to build social media connections.  But are the number of connections marketers are able to acquire really what matters most?


What matters more than the number of connections are the quality of those connections.  And quality can be easily measured by the number of followers that are willing to share your message with others.

Getting others to share your message is simple

Post something on your blog, record a video to Youtube, post a picture on Pinterest, or give something of value away for free to your Facebook followers, that is remarkable and people will share it.  Do this consistently and your ideas begin to spread.

You don’t need a lot of followers to win the connection game, just a few who are willing to spread your ideas.

Something to make you go …hmm!

Jesus Christ had hundreds of followers, but he only needed 12 that were willing to spread his ideas.  Look what happened.

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October 17, 2012

In A Connection Economy Do Social Media Connections Really Matter?

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