October 18, 2012

Creating New Business Opportunities Using Mobile, Social, Information, and The Cloud

Digital MarketingFour independent forces social media, mobile technologies, cloud based systems, and information proliferation have all converged to create a single unique force that presents both opportunites and challenges for all organizations, marketers, and sales teams.

These forces come together in technology immeresed environments, and all organization, marketers, and sales teams are technology immeresed environments these days.

Best poised for growth will be those that find ways close the gap between stimulus and response through rapid deployment of  innovative products and services that reach new and existing customers in new ways.

Creating opportunities by closing the stimulus response gap

I purchased my first book form Amazon in the 1990’s.  Stimulus…I want to read a book. Response…order online have it in a couple of days.  Now with the proliferation of the Kindle the gap between stimulus (want to read a book) and response is zero.  I Simply download it using my 1-click settings.

Last night I decided to watch an old episode of my favorite ’80’s show the X-Files (stimulus).  I simply logged into Netflix on my home theatre and pressed play (zero gap).  When I got sleepy I logged in on my iPad and finished watching in the bed (use of mobile).

Amazon and Netflix use the cloud to achieve scale and reach, while the Kindles, iPads, and other devices I have use the cloud to enable seamless playback experience where ever I am.

Questions to consider

  • How can your organization, team, group, church, etc. enable consumers to get their results more quickly?
  • How are you empowering your knowledge workers to share their ideas via blogs, and other social media platforms?
  • Are you relying on increasingly obsolete promotional channels (TV ads, radio spots, newspaper, banner ads) to let people hear about your product?
  • Do you know who the real influencers are for your offering?  More importantly do they know you?


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October 18, 2012

Creating New Business Opportunities Using Mobile, Social, Information, and The Cloud

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