The Wise Answer

If you’re worried about sounding foolish the simple solution is to just keep your mouth shut.  Don’t worry being silent is often the wisest response you can give.

Sowing Seeds

The seeds you sow will yield fruit.  If you’re not that hungry then sow a few, or none at all.  If you’re starving then start sowing now, and sow a lot (you’ll reap a harvest instead of just a few pieces of fruit).  How hungry are you?

Two Things Most People Want

Safety is one.  This is the reason the world is filled with more employees than inventors, entrepreneurs, or artist.  People perceive jobs as safe.  But if there is anything that we should have learned since the global economic downturn is that the very opposite is...
17 Things Worth Doing Today

17 Things Worth Doing Today

Here’s a short list of things worth doing today.  You can’t do them all but you can definitely choose one or two and focus your attention on today. Warning: All of these are habit forming so be careful. Don’t stick to what you know Take a risk...

Yes and No

Early on in my career as an entrepreneur I made a critical mistake…I said yes to everything.  Can  you produce a newsletter for us…yes, can you handle our direct mail…yes.  Can you do this, can you do that…yes of course.  The yes’s wore...