Misuse Of The Universal Video Symbol

Misuse Of The Universal Video Symbol

Just about every marketing stat you can find these days tells you that there’s a very simple thing any marketer can do to increase traffic to their website, improve ad conversions, lower bounce rates, and increase social media shares. It’s to ad quality...

6 Emotions

Marketers can combine words, and images to spin millions of stories, and communicate billions of ideas. However, you have only 6 possible primary emotions to appeal to, or buttons to push to motivate people to action. anger sadness surprise disgust fear happiness The...

That Side Of Yourself

There’s a side to all of us that we wish was not there. Could be laziness, greed, bigotry, or one if a million things. Pledge now to banish it.  

Don’t Interrupt Me

As children we learned not to interrupt people.  It’s just not polite. Likewise marketing by interrupting people isn’t polite, nor is it cost-effective anymore. It’s mind boggling that someone would think that now that they’ve interrupted me with...