Start Now

The Internet is an over crowded space, and getting your message out can be difficult.  People who started blogging 5 years ago certainly have an advantage.  The secret of getting ahead in your marketing today is simply to get started.

Absorbing vs Doing

One of the most important decisions you’ll make today is how much of your time you’ll give to absorbing, and how much time you’ll give to doing. There was not always the endless supply of information we have today.  So used to be that once you...
MLK Quotes: 4 Of My Favorite

MLK Quotes: 4 Of My Favorite

One thing nearly all African Americans over the age of 40 have in common is that our parents, and grandparents always had three pictures hanging on a wall side by side: Jesus Christ, John F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. In college I would sit for hours and...