This Way Up

This Way Up

Today rising above the chatter is more difficult today than ever before.  Thanks to the Internet your competition is truly global.  And you may be finding it difficult to keep your head above water (so to speak). Success Factors You have two choices. 1. You can cave...
Worth Changing

Worth Changing

How To Change Stephen Covey taught us in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change that we’re the sum total of our habits. Someone, I don’t know who, taught us that If it ain’t broke then don’t try to...
Make Better Art

Make Better Art

In college I discovered that I’m a horrible singer.  Singing louder won’t help me, nor will singing more frequently.  The problem is with the art I produce.  You probably don’t find that bit of news earth shattering.  But it is the approach that many...